a record of my contributions to consumerism in this time of economic despair

Saturday, November 28, 2009

black friday

We ventured out yesterday afternoon on Black Friday, not so much to participate in any kind of deals, but to get a Christmas tree stand (with a Home Depot gift card that we got as a wedding gift, so we were actually spending someone else's money!). Kind of boring, unless you're a newlywed girl who is preparing for Christmas for the first time, in which case you get real jazzed about things like Christmas tree stands and strings of lights and darling ceramic bird ornaments for $0.99 at Target.

Anyway, there is something to be said about the gross consumerism of Black Friday-- being around the crazies grappling at everything they can get their thrifty hands on, shoving past people to see exactly which DVDs are on sale for $3.99 (even if you're not interested in actually buying them), and reveling in the spirit of a Capitalist Christmas (we'll wait to acknowledge the religious aspect-- you know, the important part-- for December 1st).

Here are some materialistic highlights of the day:

1. 50% - 70% off EVERYTHING at Aeropostale
This is not an exaggeration. Everything in the store was literally 50% - 70% off. Usually I have a hard time finding clothes for myself in Aeropostale these days (in spite of my 7th grade allegiance, since I basically limited myself to Aero and Old Navy for a whole year), but Ames is nice and tall and slim, which is just about right for the cut of Aero clothes. Also they have cute jewelry and bags and smells and my friend Tanner works there, so we bounced in on a whim.


actual images unavailable due to a network connection failure at aeropostale.com
corduroy pants for Ames / grey & silver striped leggings for me = 50% off

I can't speak for Ames's pants, but these striped leggings are not only adorable and affordable, but they look fantastic with cranberry colored knit boots and a dark gray striped boyfriend cardigan.

2. Lunchtime
Five Guys wasn't having any kind of deal, but it didn't keep the lines from going out the door! Can you imagine what it must have been like at In-N-Out? I don't even want to know. There wasn't a table to be hand, particularly when other customers heartlessly vultured tables from under us as we stood there awkwardly, food in hand, looking pathetic and helpless. Since Black Friday is all about dog-eat-dog, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe those same customers will be a little less cut-throat come December 1st, when Christmas starts to focus on The True Meaning of Christmas a little more.

bacon cheeseburgers, soda and cajun-flavored fries

Just as delicious and fresh as any other burger I might have had yesterday from any other establishment to ensure fresh and delicious flavor. No free refills for us, however, since we finally just took our bag of food to the mall food court where we were immediately able to find a table. Thanks for nothing, other Five Guys patrons!

3. Forever 21 never fails
I know I promised that I wouldn't provide myself with any more headbands for my collection, and I already have a large selection of cardigans to wear on a daily basis, but what could I do when faced with unbearable cuteness? Anyone else would have done the same, I defy you to tell me they wouldn't have, regardless of sales not applicable to these specific items (though I applaud my friend Julie for her efforts to advertise Black Friday promos on her first full day of work).

photos to come later, due to lack of time at work to post

I've looked at this cardigan a few times and have talked myself out of it in the past, but there comes a time when I just have to give in after a while. And are you KIDDING ME about that headband?!?!!? RIGHT??!!

4. Adam Lambert is for MY entertainment
For curiosity's sake, we wound up at Target, mostly in search of a Christmas tree topper (found one, didn't get it, going back for it eventually). We already have a pretty TV, and I already have three pairs of boots from Target (don't worry about it) and aside from The Dark Knight, I didn't care to spend money on DVDs for the sake of a good deal. We couldn't pass up some music, however, regardless of a recently controversial performance.

I don't care what you say, this man has a voice that is not to be believed. And the album cover looks like freakin' Xanadu. XANADU, you guys. $10 for more eyeliner than you've ever seen on a man and that screaming voice is more than a deal, if you ask me (which you did, since you're reading my blog).

Conclusion: A successful Black Friday. Saw some friends, ate some food, spent some dollars. And I'm looking forward to listening to Adam Lambert while we set up our Christmas tree while wearing striped leggings and corduroys and cardigans and a headband (for me, not for Ames).

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